- Yesterday Once More!
- 7/9Map.prototype.emplace
- 7/9Promise.withResolvers
- 3/14JSON.parse source text access
- 3/14String.dedent
- 3/14Function.prototype.demethodize
- 3/13ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer and friends
- 3/13Async Explicit Resource Management
- 3/13AsyncIterator helpers
- 3/13Explicit Resource Management
- 3/13Iterator.range
- 3/13New Set methods
- 3/13Symbol predicates
- 3/13Well-formed unicode strings
- 3/13self
- 3/9Writing documents
- 3/9Create doc for polyfill
- 3/9Translate
- 3/8Add a new polyfill
- 3/8Testing
- 3/7Update core-js-compat
- 3/7About Core-JS
- 3/7Roadmap
- 3/6setTimeout and setInterval
- 3/4Babel Integration
- 3/4SWC Integration
- 3/4Features
- 3/4Missing Ployfills
- 3/4ECMAScript Proposals
- 3/4Accessible Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
- 3/4Array filtering
- 3/4Array find from last
- 3/4Array.prototype.flat & Array.prototype.flatMap
- 3/4Array.fromAsync
- 3/4Array grouping
- 3/4Array.prototype.includes
- 3/4Array.isTemplateObject
- 3/4Getting last item from Array
- 3/4Array deduplication
- 3/4Symbol.asyncIterator for asynchronous iteration
- 3/4Change Array by copy
- 3/4New collections methods
- 3/4.of and .from methods on collection constructors
- 3/4Symbol.metadata for decorators metadata proposal
- 3/4Efficient 64 bit arithmetic
- 3/4Function.{ isCallable, isConstructor }
- 3/4ES globalThis
- 3/4Iterator helpers
- 3/4compositeKey and compositeSymbol
- 3/4Math extensions
- 3/4Math.signbit
- 3/4Number.fromString
- 3/4Object.fromEntries
- 3/4Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
- 3/4Object iteration
- 3/4Object.values / Object.entries
- 3/4Observable
- 3/4Symbol.matcher for pattern matching
- 3/4Promise.allSettled
- 3/4Promise.any
- 3/4Promise.prototype.finally
- 3/4Promise.try
- 3/4Reflect metadata
- 3/4RegExp s (dotAll) flag
- 3/4RegExp named capture groups
- 3/4ES Relative indexing method
- 3/4String.prototype.codePoints
- 3/4String.cooked
- 3/4String.prototype.trimStart / String.prototype.trimEnd
- 3/4String#matchAll.
- 3/4String padding
- 3/4String#replaceAll
- 3/4Symbol.prototype.description
- 3/4URL
- 3/4Well-formed JSON.stringify
- 3/4ECMAScript Standards
- 3/4Array
- 3/4Collections
- 3/4Date
- 3/4ES Error
- 3/4Function
- 3/4globalThis
- 3/4JSON
- 3/4Math
- 3/4Number
- 3/4Object
- 3/4Promise
- 3/4Reflect
- 3/4String and RegExp
- 3/4Symbol
- 3/4TypedArrays
- 3/4Helpers
- 3/4Iteration helpers
- 3/4Web standards
- 3/4Base64 utility methods
- 3/4Iterable DOM collections
- 3/4DOMException
- 3/4queueMicrotask
- 3/4setImmediate
- 3/4structuredClone
- 3/4URL and URLSearchParams
- 2/24
- 2/24Quick Start
- 2/24Compatibility data
- 2/23How to contribute
- 2/22Donation
- 2/14What's next?
- 10/11Changelog