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Missing Ployfills

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Missing Ployfills

For some reason, Core-JS does not include polyfills for some of the proposals:

  • ES BigInt can't be polyfilled since it requires changes in the behavior of operators, you could find more info hereopen in new window. You could try to use JSBIopen in new window.
  • ES Proxy can't be polyfilled, you can try to use proxy-polyfillopen in new window which provides a very little subset of features.
  • ES String#normalize is not a very useful feature, but this polyfill will be very large. If you need it, you can use unormopen in new window.
  • ECMA-402 Intl is missed because of the size. You can use those polyfillsopen in new window.
  • window.fetch is not a cross-platform feature, in some environments, it makes no sense. For this reason, I don't think it should be in Core-JS. Looking at a large number of requests it might be added in the future. Now you can use, for example, this polyfillopen in new window.