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So, what's next?

Hi. I am (@zloirock), a full-time open-source developer. I don't like to write long posts, but it seems it is high time to do it. Initially, this post was supposed to be a post about the start of active development of the new major version of core-js and the roadmap (it was moved to the second half), however, due to recent events, it became a really long post about many different things... I'm fucking tired. Free open-source software is fundamentally broken. I could stop working on this silently, but I want to give open-source one last chance.

zloirockAbout 41 minblog
core-js@3, babel and a look into the future

core-js@3, babel and a look into the future

After more than 1.5 years of development, dozens of pre-releases, many sleepless nights, core-js@3 is finally released. It's the largest set of changes in core-js and polyfilling-related babel features of all time.

zloirockAbout 18 minblog